Heart Attack Treatment
By Catherine Moore
Heart attack treatment has remained a common talk of the world as there is overall belief that no healthcare delivery facility is ideal for proper management of heart attacks. The good news is that heart attack treatment and prevention are available to people who are ready to adhere to certain precautionary measures.
1) Quit smoking:
This is the single most important element in heart disease treatment and prevention. All over the world, tobacco producers are sweating because of policies against them. The World Health Organization has done everything to protect people from this danger but because life is a choice, they leave the individuals to make their decisions.
2) Control your Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure and weight:
As heart disease treatment and prevention methods, these three relatives of heart diseases must be put on check. Much has been said about them. You need not worry yourself if you control these elements because heart disease does not usually occur without a risk factor.
3) Exercise your body:
As heart attack treatment and prevention, mild to moderate exercise promotes good blood circulation, prevents clotting as well as other benefits that reduce the effects of other risk factors of heart disease.
4) Eat a healthy diet:
For heart attack treatment and prevention, Cutting down on foods that are high in saturated fat and sodium (salt) to lower cholesterol and blood pressure is very important. Take more vitamins and anti-oxidants.
Strict adherence to the above factors aid in the treatment and prevention of heart diseases.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Heart Attack Causes

So what are the actual heart attack causes?
What you eat can determine your safety and protection from heart ailments like myocardial infarction. Foods that contain very high fat content and high LDL content can increase the risks of heart ailments. People should try putting some more control with their diets by minimizing too much fat, by knowing your cholesterol levels, and by eating foods that are high in fiber, and full of the necessary nutrients and vitamins. You have to be aware that even the fit person can have heart attack due to high cholesterol levels. It is important to put much attention to what you put into your body,
Physical activity
Lack of exercise or a sedentary lifestyle can increase the risks of heart attack. If you are full of fats across the body, it exerts more pressure across the body and the blood vessels, causing more pressure to the body. Obesity can also prove to be a big issue since it could also lead to issues like hypertension and other heart conditions. It is important to exercise your body. Be sure to do some physical activities. Simple physical activities can really help.
Stress management
It is important nowadays to stay cool and calm. If you are stressed, you can risk yourself of a heart attack. Sudden changes in your emotions can increase your heart processes and if you have other existing health risks, it can aggravate your heart and lead to a heart attack.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Women Heart Attack Symptoms
It is important if you are a woman and you have symptoms that you seek medical treatment immediately. The in women, the common symptoms are:
o Unexplained fatigue or extreme tiredness
o Shortness of breath
o Nausea (not relieved by antacids or even burping)
o Heart burn that won't go away with antacids and
o Cold sweats
o Chest discomfort
o Pressure low in the chest
o Panic or anxiety attack symptoms without the trigger
If you are experiencing these symptoms instead of trying to brush them off as being nothing or assume it is a panic attack. Seek medical treatment. Discussing your health with your primary medical care provider is important. If deep down you feel there is more to your symptoms you should let your doctor know that you want him to run a couple tests. More women die from heart disease than any other ailment.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Symptoms of cancer
Even if one could be a healthy person, he or she still wants to be on the lookout for numerous symptoms of cancer if they want to detect it within the initial stages itself. This could boost an individual's chances of beating the disease while not any permanent harm to alternative organs of the body or with minimum harm. Ignoring the symptoms might haunt that person later in the form of further pain and discomfort while lowering chances of recovery. Here are some of the symptoms that ought to not be ignored.
Totally different varieties of cancers
The symptoms of cancer will depend on the type of cancer that the person has contracted. There are completely different sorts of cancers that would attack an individual's body in the form of tumors or even attack the body silently without any visible lumps. Blood cancer or leukemia is one example where no tumors would be found. Similarly, prostate cancer could begin affecting native organs however may also unfold to alternative organs aloof from the prostate like the lungs, liver, etc. There also are different sorts of cancer like lung, colon, stomach, pancreas, etc that have an effect on the mentioned organs. Often symptoms are confused with alternative diseases and this may lead the doctor to a wrong treatment until it might have progressed into the next stage. A number of the symptoms of cancer are mentioned below.
Symptoms of cancer
If a serious smoker or perhaps a non-smoker starts coughing up blood then this might be a symbol of lung or neck cancer. Within the case of breast cancer, a lump might be noticed by the patient, which might increase in size quite rapidly. There might also be a discharge from a single nipple. Prostate cancer would possibly walk in unnoticed or patients might conjointly notice frequent urination or painful urination. Blood gift in urine might indicate cancer of the bladder or kidneys. In case blood is gift in the stool of the patient then it could indicate cancer of the rectum or of the intestines. Repeated sores in the mouth could indicate oral cancer while repeated itching, warts or moles could be indicative of skin cancer. Patients want to go to their doctor when they notice any changes in their body or in their daily routines. There are several ways through which a doctor might check a patient to confirm if the symptoms of cancer are indeed present in the patient.
Methods of checking a patient to substantiate symptoms of cancer
Doctors may use numerous testing methods to substantiate if the patient is indeed plagued by cancer. In case of visible tumors, a biopsy would indicate if the tumor is indeed malignant or benign. Blood tests, Pap smear tests, stool and urine tests are a number of the other tests to test for specific proteins or alternative agents which may indicate cancer. A doctor might conduct an endoscopy or colonoscopy to check for tumors inside a patient's stomach, colon or intestine. An MRI scan might additionally show tumors or abnormalities during a patient and help the doctor find the precise position of the cancer.
There are several symptoms of cancer that manifest themselves however might end up getting confused with alternative diseases. Any modification in routine ought to immediately be reported to a competent doctor and the mandatory tests ought to be conducted to either get relief or to catch the cancer within the nascent stage itself.
Monday, September 3, 2012
High Blood Pressure Symptoms in Men
High blood pressure symptoms in men - what are they? How can you recognise them? In this article, I'll tell you some of the symptoms that men with high blood pressure can get.
Some people with high b.p. can suffer from headaches. Of course, most headaches are benign and very few are a threat to your health. But if you have a headache and high blood pressure, then dismissing your symptoms could lead to grave consequences.
Vision Problems
If you have very high b.p. then a possible symptom is vision problems. This is because your retina contains many tiny blood vessels and are among the first to get damaged.
Sometimes, high b.p. can cause a person to fit. If you have a fit out of nowhere then it is more likely that you have epilepsy or some other condition. However, your doctor will always check your b.p. first, just in case.
Black-outs are not a common symptom. Similar to fits, your doctor will want to rule out high b.p. first.
Nausea And Vomiting
Some people with this condition can feel nauseous and feel the need to vomit for no apparent reason. Doctors may misdiagnose their condition when a simple check would have sufficed.
What If I Don't Have These Symptoms?
Do not be foolish and think that a lack of symptoms means that your b.p. is OK. Doctors don't call this "the silent killer" for nothing.
The only way that any person can be sure that they have a normal b.p. is if they check it with a b.p. monitor. This is because the vast majority of people with high b.p. do not have any symptoms at all.
Monday, February 20, 2012
The Key For Healthy Lifestyle
You are what you eat, so if you eat healthy, you are healthy. If you're just starting to have a healthy lifestyle, you probably don't know healthy food.Food that is low in fat content is good. Unless that fat is poly-unsaturated, mono-unsaturated, or omega 3. These are some of the good fats. Some of the bad fats are trans and saturated fats. These fats raise your LDL cholesterol, which is the bad cholesterol. The good fats lower your LDL cholesterol and raise your HDL cholesterol, which is the good cholesterol.
- Low sugar content is another plus.. Sucrose is the bad kind of sugar. Glucose is the good kind of sugar. Both are sugar, so both are classified as sugar, on the label. For example, raisins that don't have sugar added still have a lot of sugar, but it's a naturally occurring sugar, fructose. Any ingredient on a food label ended with "ose" is a type of sugar.
- Eat a variety of food. Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals, which you need, but you still need some other vitamins and minerals. For example, not much protein comes from fruits or vegetables. Meat, beans, and tofu are good sources of protein. If you can't get your vitamins and minerals from the food you eat, you can always take a multivitamin.
� 2 Exercise is key for a healthy lifestyle as well.
Go to the gym every once in a while, or daily. Or take a run around your neighborhood. Even taking your dog for a walk is good. So long as it's routine, about an hour, and is at least moderately active. Frequent and routine exercise everyday helps boost the immune system; helps prevent the �disease of affluence� such as: heart disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. It also improves mental health, and prevent depression.
� 3 Dedication.
It's not easy to go from a couch potato to a healthy person. Don't be discouraged if you have to satisfy your cravings for ice cream, hamburgers, etc. As long as you don't have a steady diet of unhealthy food, it won't hurt you too much.
� 4 Don't yo-yo diet!
Yo-yo dieting is bad for you and even if they sound healthy, once you stop that diet you can pile on the weight in just a couple of days! Stay away from Slimfast, soup diets and diets which you have to eat or drink contents from a packet.
� 5 Don't abuse your body.
Don't work out too much because it can cause your body to not function properly when you work out. It is best to leave a day or two off to get back your energy.
� 6 Regulate your weight.
Being too fat or skinny isn't good for you. Your doctor can tell you if you are under or over weight. Exercise and the food you eat can change your weight, so keep that in mind.
� 7 Stay Clean.
Everyone should have 1 shower per day. Have another if you have had a particularly hot or sweaty time. Put on an antiperspirant after your shower. Change your underwear and socks every day, too.
� 8 Enjoy Yourself for healthy lifestyle.
Don't stress yourself over anything. Have fun! Stress can tense your muscles, which will make you feel unhappy and unwell. If you worry too much about your health, you'll be making it worse, so just relax once in a while.
Friday, February 10, 2012
How to Treat a Yeast Infection Naturally
Please consult a medical professional before starting any alternative treatments. This is considered a preventative/proactive measure as well as a treatment method.
If you are particularly sensitive or resistant to the medications available for the treatment of yeast infections, this may help.
- Buy some natural yogurt, unsweetened with active cultures. You can find this at most any grocery store.
- Pick up a children's dose medicine syringe from a pharmacy. Make sure it is the larger sized, for bigger doses. They do not come with needles.
- At home, put some of the yogurt into a cup and refrigerate the rest.
- Fill the syringe with 1-2Tbsp of yogurt.
- In the bathroom, position yourself as if you were to insert a tampon.
- Insert the syringe slowly into the vagina as far as is comfortable.
- Dispense all the yogurt inside the vagina.
- Be sure to wash out the syringe with soap and water and allow it to dry thoroughly.
- Apply twice a day, especially before bedtime.
- WASH HANDS THOROUGHLY both before and after this procedure.
- If the infection is particularly bothersome, use more yogurt as it will both cool the burning and apply more of the active cultures to the infection.
- If the treatment seems messy, feel free to use pantyliners or pads during duration.
- EAT yogurt with active cultures twice a day during this treatment. It will help re-introduce the good bacteria your body needs by internal and external measures.
- * This is also a good, FAST way to re-balance your pH during times of stress.
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Treat a Yeast Infection Naturally. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Especially for us who have young children....
Very useful tips for parents and grandparents, baby sitters, aunties and uncles:
FYI. Especially those who have young children, sharing this knowledge.
A Family wrote about the incident of their child.
Early this morning at about 4am, my eldest daughter was complaining and cry-saying that she felt pain in her ear. I tried to calm her down and persuaded her to let me have a look at it but she refused and showed us her stubbornness and tormented her anger at us.
I can see why, as I saw pain in her little eyes. It was a scary incident for us as we're worried and got no clue of what is the cause of it and what to do. So I decided to call my sister-in-law whom is a doctor for advice. She told me to pour baby oil into my daughter's ear. After a while of persuasion, I finally manage to calm her down and pour baby oil into her ear. She then manage to go back to her sleep.
Next morning, she woke up without complain and went to her usual Sunday Class. I thought everything was ok. But,when she came back from school, she complained to me that she found difficulty in hearing clearly. I quickly took her to ENT Specialist. In my heart was asking questions on whether is it due to the oil that I poured last night and hence, it affected her drum? The thought of it scares me.
When it's our turn to see the doctor, I explained to the doctor on last night incident. The doctor then inserted a small wire, which is also known to be a tiny camera into my daughter's ear. I was amazed when he showed me on the TV screen, the leg of an insect and told me that was the cause of the pain and hearing problem. He then inserted another kind of wire to suck the insect out. He told me that luckily I poured baby oil into my daughter's ear quick enough, otherwise the "alive insect" could go deeper and it can damage her ear.
He told us what we did was a right thing to do as baby oils or cooking oils will kill the insect. However, after doing so, we must quickly visit the nearest doctor, to take it out. Do not wait any longer. I was relieved and thankful that nothing happens to my daughter, even though we took our time to see the doctor, after putting the baby oil in her ear.
Early this morning at about 4am, my eldest daughter was complaining and cry-saying that she felt pain in her ear. I tried to calm her down and persuaded her to let me have a look at it but she refused and showed us her stubbornness and tormented her anger at us.
I can see why, as I saw pain in her little eyes. It was a scary incident for us as we're worried and got no clue of what is the cause of it and what to do. So I decided to call my sister-in-law whom is a doctor for advice. She told me to pour baby oil into my daughter's ear. After a while of persuasion, I finally manage to calm her down and pour baby oil into her ear. She then manage to go back to her sleep.
Next morning, she woke up without complain and went to her usual Sunday Class. I thought everything was ok. But,when she came back from school, she complained to me that she found difficulty in hearing clearly. I quickly took her to ENT Specialist. In my heart was asking questions on whether is it due to the oil that I poured last night and hence, it affected her drum? The thought of it scares me.
When it's our turn to see the doctor, I explained to the doctor on last night incident. The doctor then inserted a small wire, which is also known to be a tiny camera into my daughter's ear. I was amazed when he showed me on the TV screen, the leg of an insect and told me that was the cause of the pain and hearing problem. He then inserted another kind of wire to suck the insect out. He told me that luckily I poured baby oil into my daughter's ear quick enough, otherwise the "alive insect" could go deeper and it can damage her ear.
He told us what we did was a right thing to do as baby oils or cooking oils will kill the insect. However, after doing so, we must quickly visit the nearest doctor, to take it out. Do not wait any longer. I was relieved and thankful that nothing happens to my daughter, even though we took our time to see the doctor, after putting the baby oil in her ear.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
The 5 Secrets for Healthier Living
1. Stop dieting! Find the cause of your imbalance
Most people believe that you lose weight by cutting calories or fat, eating only one meal a day, or only certain foods, or by starving yourself. Research tells us that the reason most diets don't work is because the body adjusts its energy requirements by modifying cortisol levels as it loses weight. The secret is in your metabolism, or how your body converts food into energy or fat.
Most people believe that you lose weight by cutting calories or fat, eating only one meal a day, or only certain foods, or by starving yourself. Research tells us that the reason most diets don't work is because the body adjusts its energy requirements by modifying cortisol levels as it loses weight. The secret is in your metabolism, or how your body converts food into energy or fat.
= Eat and drink only those things that are healthy for your body
= Decrease your sugar intake and eat low glycemic foods.
Despite all opinions on diets, there are few basic principles of human physiology that apply to all of us. Any healthy diet must be based around healthy blood sugar control and proper glycemic control. This means maintaining blood sugar levels. Ideally, you should eat many small meals a day made up of foods that are low glycemic foods, that nourish your body and help maintain and control your insulin and glucagon levels.
2. Eat 5 small meals a day (300 to 500 calories)
Eat large meals in the morning and smaller meals at night to improve your hormone and immune system. Combine protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Drink enough clean water, equivalent to half your weight in ounces daily. Water increases nerve conduction, improves digestive function, helps eliminate toxins in your body, and reduces your risk of colon cancer by 45% and breast cancer by 79%. A 2% drop in water in your body is enough water loss to create a foggy shot-term memory, give you trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on a computer screen or printed page. Drink a minimum 8 to 16 ounces of water when you get up in the morning and always drink purified, well, or spring water. Avoid drinking tap water.
3. Breathe
Take deep breaths often. This is excellent for the lymphatic system (circulating immune system) and clears out toxins from your body. Deep breathing will reset your nervous system.
Take deep breaths often. This is excellent for the lymphatic system (circulating immune system) and clears out toxins from your body. Deep breathing will reset your nervous system.
4. Get sunlight
Absorb sunlight at least 20 to 30 minutes daily on as much skin as possible, preferably between the hours of 9 and 11 in the morning. Sun activates Vitamin D, which in turn activates all other nutrients in the body.
5. Get adequate rest and recovery time
Go to sleep by 10 PM to activate your anti-aging hormones and repair your body and mind. According to the American Sleep Disorders Association, 68% of Americans suffer from insomnia. If your hormones are balanced, you burn fat through the night. If cortisol levels are too high, you can't shut down your body and mind. Progesterone helps to turn you body off mentally and physically. Melatonin keeps you asleep so you can rebuild and repair growth hormones (anti-aging) produced during sleep.
Monday, January 2, 2012
How To Burn Fat The Easy Way...The Only Way?

- Diet Solution:click here
- Why Haven't More Women & Men Who Struggle
With Their Weight Been Shown These FACTS?
But,I have a question for you.
Do you have a bath every day?
If you answered yes..then I have another question for you..
I know your answer is "to clean my body of all the external toxins and impurities".Right?
Ok.Now tell me what do you do to clean your body internally?Better still, what about cleaning your own mind of negative toxins everyday?
Have you ever thought about it?
You may be thinking what have these questions got to do with burning fat.Let me explain....
You eat every day and you breath every moment.These life giving acts of yours produce toxins and waste products every moment you live on this planet.
Breathing produces carbon dioxide and eating produces lots of noxious gases and sludge(waste matter).
90% of these toxins are expelled through the breath 8% are expelled through the excretory organs and 2%are expelled through the skin etc.
But the reality is...most of the population uses only 30% of their lung capacity and the colons of most of them is clogged with wastage and toxins!
This means that the toxins that are produced every moment of your exstence are getting piled up inside your own body because of lack of cleaning and internal house keeping of your body.
In other words..you only clean your body from the outside ignoring the inside where all the wastage is stored.
Your mind is another store house of all the negative emotions(mental toxins) that you experience in the course of everyday life.
These toxins are the No.1 cause of fat deposit in your body.Toxins stored around cells make fat burning almost impossible.Without getting rid of these toxins all your efforts to lose weight by dieting will go waste.
"Shifting to a healthier diet plan without getting rid of the toxins in the body is just like putting a freshly prepared cake in a bin full of garbage! The cake also becomes garbage in a short while".
This is the reason why 98%people fail on a diet.
So the only solution for burning fat effectively is by getting rid of toxins first from your body and mind.
You eat every day and you breath every moment.These life giving acts of yours produce toxins and waste products every moment you live on this planet.
Breathing produces carbon dioxide and eating produces lots of noxious gases and sludge(waste matter).
90% of these toxins are expelled through the breath 8% are expelled through the excretory organs and 2%are expelled through the skin etc.
But the reality is...most of the population uses only 30% of their lung capacity and the colons of most of them is clogged with wastage and toxins!
This means that the toxins that are produced every moment of your exstence are getting piled up inside your own body because of lack of cleaning and internal house keeping of your body.
In other words..you only clean your body from the outside ignoring the inside where all the wastage is stored.
Your mind is another store house of all the negative emotions(mental toxins) that you experience in the course of everyday life.
These toxins are the No.1 cause of fat deposit in your body.Toxins stored around cells make fat burning almost impossible.Without getting rid of these toxins all your efforts to lose weight by dieting will go waste.
"Shifting to a healthier diet plan without getting rid of the toxins in the body is just like putting a freshly prepared cake in a bin full of garbage! The cake also becomes garbage in a short while".
This is the reason why 98%people fail on a diet.
So the only solution for burning fat effectively is by getting rid of toxins first from your body and mind.
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